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24/7 service hotline
Enquiries hotline: +852 8202 0811
Direct Dial: *0811
Email: info@store-friendly.com
Customer Feedback Hotline
Customer Feedback Hotline: +852 8102 8181
Email: comments@store-friendly.com
Time: Monday to Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
地點 小型8呎 中型20呎 大型32呎
小西灣 HK$574.20起 HK$1,159.20起 HK$1,969.20起
柴灣 HK$574.20起 HK$1,159.20起 HK$1,969.20起
鴨脷洲 HK$979.20起 HK$1,699.20起
北角 HK$979.20起 HK$1,699.20起 HK$2,329.20起
天后 HK$979.20起 HK$1,789.20起 HK$2,599.20起
上環 HK$1,519.20起 HK$2,599.20起 —-
西環 HK$979.20起 HK$1,699.20起 HK$2,509.20起
香港仔 HK$709.20起 HK$1,159.20起 HK$1,969.20起
黃竹坑 HK$889.20起 HK$1,429.20起 HK$2,239.20起
觀塘 HK$709.20起 HK$1,249.20起 HK$2,059.20起
油塘 HK$619.20起 HK$1,159.20起 HK$1,879.20起
旺角 HK$709.20起 HK$1,249.20起 HK$2,059.20起
荔枝角 HK$709.20起 HK$1,249.20起 HK$2,059.20起
長沙灣 HK$709.20起 HK$1,249.20起 HK$1,969.20起
鑽石山 HK$619.20起 HK$1,159.20起 HK$1,879.20起
紅磡 HK$574.20起 HK$1,249.20起 HK$2,059.20起
荃灣 HK$529.20起 HK$1,069.20起 HK$1,699.20起
葵興 HK$619.20起 HK$979.20起 HK$1,699.20起
沙田 HK$889.20起 HK$1,069.20起 HK$1,699.20起
大埔 HK$529.20起 HK$1,069.20起 HK$1,699.20起
火炭 HK$799.20起 HK$1,159.20起 HK$1,969.20起
屯門 HK$619.20起 HK$979.20起 HK$1,699.20起
元朗 HK$619.20起 HK$979.20起 HK$1,699.20起
青衣 HK$799.20起 HK$1,249.20起
Hong Kong The headquarter of Store Friendly
Unit C1-C5, 17/F TML Tower,
3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T.
24-hour hotline: +852 8202 0811
Store-Friendly Hong Kong office Store-Friendly Hong Kong office
Store-Friendly Macau office Store-Friendly Macau office
Macau The headquarter of Store Friendly
Edf. Industrial Asia, Block 10,
Almirante LaceRoada, No. 121
24-hour hotline: +853 6226 6336
Singapore The headquarter of Store Friendly
StoreFriendly Centre
107 Eunos Avenue,
3 Singapore 409837
24-hour hotline: +65 6206 7331
Store-Friendly Singapore office Store-Friendly Singapore office
Store-Friendly Taiwan office Store-Friendly Taiwan office
Taiwan The headquarter of Store Friendly
B1, No. 751 Ren'ai Street,
Sanchong District, New Taipei City 241
24-hour hotline: +886-800-212-222
Uniform number: 53774685